

Educatin' With Satan (2024-2025 Updated Revision)

After School Satan Club (ASSC) currently meets at designated public schools where the Good News Club and other religious groups hold meetings after school hours. The Satanic Temple will request access to the same public district facilities protected under constitutional law at schools where a district parent or guardian has requested our presence for their children to attend ASSC. Qualified ASSC volunteers provide activities and learning experiences that allow the student’s interests and curiosities to drive the path for learning.

ASSC curriculum draws inspiration from The Seven Fundamental Tenets of The Satanic Temple which are part of the deeply held religious beliefs of our members worldwide. ASSC volunteers from across the United States are deeply committed to fostering an inclusive atmosphere that welcomes families from all belief systems, encouraging everyone to join in on the fun!

Before School Satan Clubs (BSSC) will meet on public school campuses where the Good News Club and other religious organizations hold meetings before school hours. In alignment with ASSC, The Satanic Temple will only seek access to the same public district facilities protected by constitutional law at schools where a district parent or guardian has requested our presence and would prefer their children participate in BSSC.

BSSC volunteers offer activities and learning experiences that allow students' interests and curiosities to guide their educational journey. Similar to the ASSC, the BSSC curriculum draws inspiration from The Seven Fundamental Tenets of The Satanic Temple, which embody the deeply rooted religious beliefs of our worldwide members.

Hellion Academy of Independent Learning (HAIL) is The Satanic Temple's Released Time Religious Instruction (RTRI) program for public school students in grades K-8 HAIL provides an alternative to traditional religious programs that pull children from their school day for Bible instruction. HAIL is protected under a Supreme Court decision that allows public school students to leave school during the day for religious instruction.

The court ruled that Released Time programs are Constitutional as long as parental consent is provided, instruction occurs off school property, and no government funding is used. Similar to The Satanic Temple’s After School Satan Club (ASSC), HAIL is only established at the request of a district parent or guardian who has requested our program for their children to attend.

Students who attend HAIL will work independently and together on community service projects, welcome guest speakers, and participate in various activities centered around The Seven Fundamental Tenets. HAIL will help students learn core concepts that will benefit their lives no matter what their religious beliefs are. 

High School Satan Club (HSSC) was developed to provide support for students who attend federally funded public secondary schools and align with the deeply held religious beliefs of The Satanic Temple. HSSC is federally protected by the Equal Access Act of 1984 which provides equal access to extracurricular secondary student-led clubs that allow other non-curricular student groups to meet on school grounds. The federal court recently reinforced the rights of religious clubs on secondary school campuses and reaffirmed the principle that religious organizations should not be penalized for their beliefs, especially when similar secular groups are allowed to operate under their own sets of standards, and that antidiscrimination laws must be applied evenhandedly and not in violation of the Constitution.

Students who lead and attend HSSC have joyfully reported that they, “feel empowered in their religious expression and representation on school campus.” Students are determined to uphold The Seven Fundamental Tenets by meeting with other like-minded students who may often feel excluded from attending other theistic-based religious clubs.

We invite you to consider making a donation to support our ongoing initiatives as we continue to launch After School Satan Club, Hellion Academy of Independent Learning, High School Satan Club, and Before School Satan Clubs throughout the United States. Your contributions will help provide The Satanic Temple's programs with essential supplies for activities, games, community projects, science-related events, facility use fees, insurance, and other necessary expenses to promote religious pluralism and freedom in public schools nationwide.

We sincerely appreciate your support as we strive to create an inclusive, and intellectually enriching environment, free from the fears of eternal damnation.

Thank you.


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